Building as an Instrument

architect Gerhard Mitterberger
project Musical Hall Stallhofen, Stallhofen, Austria
written by Nikolaus Hellmayr


On the outskirts of West Styria’s Stallhofen, a rehearsal hall of the local wind orchestra has been added by Gerhard Mitterberger to a conglomerate of structures of diverse public content, such as the municipal office and fire station, the municipal warehouse, the house of musicians and a music school. The project, with its form and corporeality, follows the idea of a resonant body, the idea of the building as an instrument. In most of his new projects, Mitterberger has strived to secure the optimum of functionality by sometimes incredibly simple means. Once again with this small architectural project, he has demonstrated that reduced resources can make a contribution on many levels and has come up with a refined solution to an ambitious task.